
HYBRID spray paint produces beautiful, high-gloss results. The lacquer can be applied without primer to many bases, even to polystyrene. HYBRID spray paint can easily and without any problems be applied over existing paint layers without running.
Low odour HYBRID spray paint is strong and dries quickly, making it scratch-resistant. An ideal spray to help you express your creative ideas right away. Unleash your creativity!

  • 12 couleurs
  • gloss
  • 400 ML

Instructions d'utilisation

The surface should be clean, dry and free of grease. Remove loose old lacquer and rust and sand the surface.

The surface should be clean, dry and free of grease. The aerosol should have room temperature. Best processing temperature 15 to 25°C. Before use, shake the aerosol for 2 minutes and spray a sample. Distance to the surface to be treated approximately 25 to 30 centimetre.

Apply the lacquer in several thin layers. Before applying the next layer, again shake the aerosol.

After use, clean the valve (turn aerosol upside down and press the nozzle for approximately 5 seconds).

The drying time depends on the ambient temperature, the humidity of the air and the thickness of the lacquer applied.


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