Polyester Putty 'Soft' (Profi)

Universal two-component polyester putty to level irregularities in surfaces of steel, aluminium, wood, concrete and polyester. Polyester putty is elastic and very easy to sand. Polyester putty is re-sprayable with all lacquer systems and resistant to chemicals and the weather. Polyester putty can be applied in layers with a thickness up to 2 cm.

  • grey
  • 2,00 KG

Mistä ostaa


  • Ease of working
  • High elasticity
  • Good adhesion
  • Easy to sand
  • Resistant to weak acids and bases, propellants, solvents, water and de-icing salt


Before use, carefully read the directions on the packaging and act accordingly.

Processing temperature 15 – 25°C.

The surface should be clean, dry and free of grease. Remove loose old lacquer and rust and sand the surface.

Take the requested portion of putty compound out of the can and mix it well with the corresponding quantity of hardener.

Apply the mixed material in the desired layer thickness.

After approx. 20-30 minutes the repaired spot can be drilled, sanded, sawed, rasped and painted.

The drying time depends on the ambient temperature.

After use, directly clean the tools used. Do not store the surplus material, mixed with harder, in the can.



2,00 KG
Art. 000058
EAN 8711347121021

* Värit saattavat poiketa yllä olevasta esikatselukuvasta.